You can pay for the Full stack course via

  1. ETH You can send either USDC/USDT or native ETH
    1. 75 USDC/USDT - 0x5436159e7EC97181101CE2A23bf1ae13c8117FdA
    2. 0.05 ETH - 0x5436159e7EC97181101CE2A23bf1ae13c8117FdA
  2. SOL You can send either USDC/USDT or native SOL
    1. 75 USDC/USDT - 6fQytE8KQZvEVvGnSM6kfWbtVbso8j3GhFQPuZoHZCmD
    2. 4 SOL - 6fQytE8KQZvEVvGnSM6kfWbtVbso8j3GhFQPuZoHZCmD

After you’ve made the payment, please send an email to [email protected] with the transaction signature. We’ll let you in the course with that email.

If you have any questions, feel free to mail us at [email protected].